Version 1.2 Page 26 4/22/04
default user listed for the local serial port: local user i. If the local console operator typed Ctrl/B, then the
login name that the local operator is displayed instead.
Exit from MP
X: Exit from MP command interface and disconnect from the system.
This command disconnects the executing user from the system. This command is available from the local
XD: Diagnostics and/or Reset of MP
This command allows the user to perform some simple checks to confirm the MP’s health and its
connectivity status. The following tests are available:
MP Parameter Checksum
o Verify I
C connection (get BMC Device ID)
o LAN connectivity test using ping
o Modem self-tests
Also, the MP can be reset from this command. An MP reset can be safely performed without affecting the
operation of the server.
Avoiding Command Confirmation
Most of the commands will prompt you for confirmation before performing the command. You can bypass
this confirmation by adding "-nc" to the command line.
Gaining Control of the Console
If you have multiple users sharing a console, you will see the following message if you try to enter
commands to the console:
- - - - - - - - - - - - Live Console - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Read only - use Ctrl-Ecf for console write access.]
To get control you need to enter <ESC>cf, not <CTRL-E>cf.
Management Processor Help System
The MP has a robust help system. To invoke MP HELP, enter he after the MP> prompt. The following is