
Version 1.2 Page 48 4/22/04
shell-script commands
Type “help’ followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class Type
“help” followed by command name for full documentation
help configuration command
Shell> help configuration
Configuration commands:
cpuconfig-- Deconfigure or reconfigure Cpus
date -- Display or set date
err -- Display or set error level
esiproc -- Make an ESI call
errdump -- View/Clear logs
info -- Display hardware information
monarch -- View or set the monarch processor
paiproc -- Make a PAL call
salproc -- Make a SAL call
time -- Display or set time
ver -- Displays version info
Type “help” followed by command name for full documentation on that command.
Type “help -a” to display a list of all commands.
help cpuconfig command
Shell> help cpuconfig
CPUCONFIG [cpu] (onloff]
cpu Specifies which cpu to configure
onloff Specifies to configure or deconfigure a cpu
1. Cpu status will not change until next boot.
* To deconfigure CPU 0 fsO:\> cpuconfig 0 off
CPU will be deconfigured on the next boot.
* To display configuration status of cpus fs0:\> cpuconfig
<CPU configuration data displayed>
help bch command
Configuration help bch Co
INformation help bch in
PAth help bch pa
ScRool help bch sr
SEArch help bch sea
SERvice help bch ser
BOot help bch bo
HElp help bch he
RESET help bch reset
MAin help bch ma