
Version 1.2 Page 27 4/22/04
MP Help: Main Menu
============================================(Administrator)=== Hardware
Revision al Firmware Revision E.02.20 May 30 2003,15:18:47
MP Help System
Use Ctrl-B to exit MP command interface and return to the main MP menu:
Enter a command at the help prompt:
OVerview : Launch the help overview
LIst : Show the list of MP commands
<COMMAND> : Enter the command name for help on individual command
TOPics : Show all MP Help topics and commands
HElp : Display this screen
Q : Quit help
Enter one of the commands described above: OV, LI, <command>, TOP, HE, Q
Powering System On/Off from the MP Console
Step 1 To log into the MP console, you may need to press carriage-return a couple of times.
You are then prompted to enter the user name and password. By default, they are set
to "Admin". If you are not prompted to login, you have old firmware and need to see
the section on updating the MP firmware.
Only default users are configured.
Use one of the following user/password pairs to login:
MP login: Admin
MP password: *****
Hewlett-Packard Management Processor
(c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 1999-2003.
All Rights Reserved.
MP Host Name: kthulu
Revision E.02.22