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Scale Calibration
The scale must be calibrated if:
• It is a first time installation
• The scale cannot be re-zeroed
• The calibration verification tests indicate errors
• There is a change in the units of measure (i.e., from pounds to kilograms)
• The scale load cell has been replaced
• The calibration seal is missing or torn
Tools Required
• Field standard 30 lb. or 15 kg weight set
• Single line or other pole display with cable (for dual cable and pole display-based installation)
• #1 Phillips head driver to remove plastic wire seal retainer cover
• Diagonal wire cutters to remove any existing wire seals
• 7mm or 9/32 hex head driver to remove metal access plate
• Thin rod (e.g., small screwdriver, hex key or paper clip) for activating the protected calibration switch
• Wire or paper seal (the type of seal depends on the guidelines specified by the local Weights and Measures authorities)
Priming the Scale for Calibration
Calibrate the scale after the unit is installed in the checkout countertop. It is important to use the correct certified (pounds
or kilograms) field weight set when calibrating the scale.
1. Make sure that the unit is properly installed at the correct height and properly leveled before calibrating.
2. Ensure that the unit is solidly supported on all four corners without any rocking motion when pressing opposite corners
of the scale.
3. Check the platter to ensure that nothing is interfering with its freedom to move. Assure that no debris is present from
daily use of the scanner/scale if it has been in service. Make sure the platter seats normally on the scale arms.
4. Apply power to the scanner/scale.