
9 - 26
GS1-128 On/Off
GS1-128 Application Identifier Parsing
This allows a single GS1-128 bar code to be broken into multiple transmissions based on the presence of application iden-
tifiers (AI) embedded in the bar code. To use this feature, first enable 128 Group Separator Output (page 9-19). Next, scan
Transmit Without Identifiers if you want the bar code broken into packets and stripped of the AI. If you want the AI
included, scan Transmit With Identifiers. Default = Off.
GS1-128 Redundancy
If you are encountering errors when reading GS1-128 bar codes, you may want to adjust the redundancy count. Redun-
dancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors.
Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the bar code. To adjust the redundancy, scan
the GS1-128 Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart
Default All GS1-128 Settings
* Off
* Off
Transmit Without Identifiers
Transmit With Identifiers