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In-Store Printed Bar Codes
In-store UPC and EAN bar codes are sometimes haphazardly printed, resulting in poor quality codes. The decoding of in-store
bar codes may need some adjustment to improve read rates. The following settings allow you to make fine adjustments to the
way the decoder interprets the bar code data from in-store printed UPC and EAN bar codes.
Stitching controls the decoding security for in-store UPC and EAN bar codes. If you are having difficulty reading poor qual-
ity in-store bar codes, you may wish to scan the Stitching Off bar code below to improve the read rate. Default = Stitching
Framing controls the framing rules for in-store UPC and EAN bar codes. If you are having difficulty reading poor quality in-
store bar codes, you may wish to scan the Framing Off bar code below to improve the read rate. Default = Framing Off.
GS1 Output On
* Stitching On
Stitching Off
Framing On
* Framing Off