
4 - 14
Same Symbol Test
When Same Symbol Test On is scanned, the current bar code must be 1 character different from the previous bar code in
order to be read. When Same Symbol Test Off is scanned, the bar codes must be 25% different to be read. Default =
Same Symbol Test Off.
Bar Code Absence Detection
Use this selection to set a timeout (in milliseconds) before the scanner can read a bar code after any other code is read.
The timer starts after the first bar code has left the field of view. Scan Bar Code Absence Detection, set the timeout dura-
tion (from 0-300,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits on the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual, then
scanning Save. Default = 0 (No Delay).
Long (3000ms)
Extra Long (4000ms)
* Same Symbol Test Off
Same Symbol Test On
Bar Code Absence Detection