A - 7
ISO 2022/ISO 646 Character Replacements
Code pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. If the data received does not display with the proper charac-
ters, it may be because the bar code being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host pro-
gram is expecting. If this is the case, select the code page with which the bar codes were created. The data characters should
then appear properly.
230 E6 æµ
231 E7 ç τ
232 E8 è Φ
233 E9 é Θ
234 EA ê Ω
235 EB ë δ
236 EC ì ∞
237 ED í φ
238 EE î ε
239 EF ï ∩
240 F0 ð ≡
241 F1 ñ±
242 F2 ò ≥
243 F3 ó ≤
244 F4 ô ⌠
245 F5 õ ⌡
246 F6 ö÷
247 F7 ÷ ≈
248 F8 ø°
249 F9 ù ·
250 FA ú·
251 FB û √
252 FC ü ⁿ
253 FD ý²
254 FE þ ■
255 FF ÿ
Code Page Selection Method/Country Standard Keyboard Country Honeywell Code Page
(standardASCII) ISO/IEC646‐IRV n/a 1
Replacement ISO/IEC2022 n/a 2(default)
BinaryCodepage n/a n/a 3
UnitedStates ISO/IEC646‐06 0 1
Canada ISO/IEC646‐121 54 95
Canada ISO/IEC646‐122 18 96
Japan ISO/IEC646‐14 28 98
Extended ASCII Characters (Continued)
DEC HEX CP 1252 ASCII Alternate Extended PS2 Scan Code