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Coupon Code Settings
GS1 DataBar Expanded Coupons With AI (8110)
This selection lets you control reading GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes that have an application identifier (AI) of
8110. When On is scanned, GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes that have an AI of 8110 are read. When Off is
scanned, GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes with AI (8110) are not read. Default = Off.
GS1 DataBar Expanded Coupons Without AI (8110)
This selection lets you control reading GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes that do not have an application identifier (AI)
of 8110. When On is scanned, GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes that do not have an AI of 8110 are read. When Off
is scanned, GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon codes without AI (8110) are not read. Default = Off.
GS1 DataBar Expanded Coupon Preferred Mode
This selection allows you to set a scanning preference for GS1 DataBar Expanded Coupons With AI (8110) over UPC/EAN
bar codes. When On is selected and an item is scanned that has both a GS1 DataBar Expanded coupon code with AI
(8110) as well as a UPC or EAN bar code, the scanner will transmit the coupon code data. If no coupon code is found, then
the UPC or EAN code data is sent. The scanner searches for the coupon code for the length of time set for the Addenda
Timeout, page 9-47. When Off is selected, both bar codes are sent independently. Default = Off.
* Off
* Off