9 - 32
manual. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 2 for 2-Digit Addenda, 1 for 5-Digit Addenda.
with Extended Coupon Code
Use the following codes to enable or disable UPC-A and EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code. When left on the default setting
(Off), the scanner treats Coupon Codes and Extended Coupon Codes as single bar codes.
If you scan the Allow Concatenation code, when the scanner sees the coupon code and the extended coupon code in a single
scan, it transmits both as separate symbologies. Otherwise, it transmits the first coupon code it reads.
If you scan the Require Concatenation code, the scanner must see and read the coupon code and extended coupon code in a
single read to transmit the data. No data is output unless both codes are read.
Default = Off.
UPC-A Number System 4 Addenda Required
This setting programs the scanner to require a coupon code only on UPC-A bar codes that begin with a “4.” The following
settings can be programmed:
Require Coupon Code: All UPC-A bar codes that begin with a “4” must have a coupon code. The UPC-A bar code with
the coupon code is then transmitted as a single, concatenated bar code. If a coupon code is not found within the Addenda
Timeout period, the UPC-A bar code is discarded.
2-Digit Addenda
5-Digit Addenda