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Auxiliary Honeywell Scanner Configuration Codes
Scan one of the following bar codes with your Honeywell hand-held scanner to configure it to communicate with the Stratos
bioptic auxiliary port. If you do not see your scanner listed below, refer to your scanner’s User’s Guide on
www.honeywellaidc.com to configure the scanner for Stratos bioptic input.
Scan the code below to configure the following Honeywell hand-held scanner models for the Aux RS232 In port:
• Xenon 1900/1910, 1902/1912
• Granit 1910i/1911i, 1280i
• Voyager 1200g, 1202g, 1400g
• Vuquest 3310g
Scan this bar code with the hand-held scanner to set the baud rate to 38400 bps and the data format to 8 data bits, no parity, 1
stop bit.
USB Serial
Scan the code below to configure the following Honeywell hand-held scanner models for the Aux USB In port:
• Xenon 1900/1910, 1902/1912
• Granit 1910i/1911i
• Voyager 1400g
• Vuquest 3310g
Scan the code below to configure a Honeywell Voyager 1200g or Voyager 1202g scanner for the Aux USB In port:
No extra configuration (e.g., baud rate) is necessary.
Honeywell Bioptic Settings
USB Serial Emulation for Windows 2000