
NC Clear and reset curve buffer
CBD 49180 Stores Magnitude, Phase, Sensitivity and Frequency
(i.e. bits 2, 3, 4, 14 and 15)
LEN 100 Number of points = 100
STR 100 Store a point every 100 ms - must match SRATE parameter
The data may now be acquired by issuing the compound command:
TD; SWEEP 1 Starts sweep and curve acquisition
Note that the order of these two commands is important. If used as shown then the
data will be acquired and then the oscillator frequency will be changed at each data
point, prior to waiting the time set by the SRATE and STR commands. This gives
sufficient time for the instrument output to stabilize after each change of frequency.
If the commands were used in the reverse order (i.e. SWEEP 1; TD) then the
output(s) would never have time to settle by the time at which they were recorded.
The frequency sweep starts and the magnitude and phase outputs are recorded to the
curve buffer. As it runs the M command reports the status of the acquisition, and
once this indicates it is complete (i.e. parameter 1 = 0, parameter 2 = 1), the acquired
data may be transferred to the computer using:
DC. 2 Transfers Magnitude curve
DC. 3 Transfers Phase curve
DC 14 Transfers Reference frequency - lower 16 bits
DC 15 Transfers Reference frequency - upper 16 bits