CP [n] Input coupling control
The value of n sets the input coupling mode according to the following table:
n Coupling mode
SEN[.] [n] Full-scale sensitivity control
The value of n sets the full-scale sensitivity according to the following table,
depending on the setting of the IMODE control:
n full-scale sensitivity
4 20 nV 20 fA n/a
5 50 nV 50 fA n/a
6 100 nV 100 fA n/a
7 200 nV 200 fA n/a
8 500 nV 500 fA n/a
9 1 µV 1 pA n/a
10 2 µV 2 pA 20 fA
11 5 µV 5 pA 50 fA
12 10 µV 10 pA 100 fA
13 20 µV 20 pA 200 fA
14 50 µV 50 pA 500 fA
15 100 µV 100 pA 1 pA
16 200 µV 200 pA 2 pA
17 500 µV 500 pA 5 pA
18 1 mV 1 nA 10 pA
19 2 mV 2 nA 20 pA
20 5 mV 5 nA 50 pA
21 10 mV 10 nA 100 pA
22 20 mV 20 nA 200 pA
23 50 mV 50 nA 500 pA
24 100 mV 100 nA 1 nA
25 200 mV 200 nA 2 nA
26 500 mV 500 nA 5 nA
27 1 V 1 µA 10 nA
Floating point mode can only be used for reading the sensitivity, which is reported in
volts or amps. For example, if IMODE = 0 and the sensitivity is 1 mV the command
SEN would report 18 and the command SEN. would report +1.0E-03. If IMODE was
changed to 1, SEN would still report 18 but SEN. would report +1.0E-09.
AS Perform an Auto-Sensitivity operation
The instrument adjusts its full-scale sensitivity so that the magnitude output lies
between 30 % and 90 % of full-scale.