The maximum sampling rate depends on the number of ADC inputs used and whether
the sampling is timed or simply runs as fast as possible. In the modes above described
as Fixed Rate, sampling runs at the maximum possible rate, nominally 20 kHz when
sampling both ADC1 and ADC2 or 40 kHz when sampling ADC1 only. In the
Variable Rate modes, the sampling speed is set by the BURSTRATE command.
TC [n]
TC. Filter time constant control
The value of n sets the time constant of the output according to the following table:
n time constant
0 10 µs
1 20 µs
2 40 µs
3 80 µs
4 160 µs
5 320 µs
6 640 µs
75 ms
8 10 ms
9 20 ms
10 50 ms
11 100 ms
12 200 ms
13 500 ms
14 1 s
15 2 s
16 5 s
17 10 s
18 20 s
19 50 s
20 100 s
21 200 s
22 500 s
23 1 ks
24 2 ks
25 5 ks
The TC. command is only used for reading the time constant, and reports the current
setting in seconds. Hence if a TC 11 command were sent, TC would report 11 and
TC. 1.0E-01, i.e. 0.1 s or 100 ms
TD Take data
Initiates data acquisition. Acquisition starts at the current position in the curve buffer
and continues at the rate set by the STR command until the buffer is full.