Caution: Check that the computer program does not automatically add a carriage
return or carriage return-line feed terminator to the * command, since these
characters will slow down communications.
6.4.06 Internal Oscillator
OA[.] [n] Oscillator amplitude control
In fixed point mode n sets the oscillator amplitude in mV. The range of n is 0 to 5000
representing 0 to 5 V rms.
In floating point mode n sets the amplitude in volts
OF[.] [n] Oscillator frequency control
In fixed point mode n sets the oscillator frequency in mHz. The range of n is 0 to
120,000,000 representing 0 to 120 kHz.
In floating point mode n sets the oscillator frequency in Hz. The range of n is 0 to
SYNCOSC [n] Synchronous oscillator (demodulator monitor) control
This control operates only in external reference mode. The parameter n has the
following significance:
n Effect
0 Synchronous Oscillator (Demodulator Monitor) disabled
1 Synchronous Oscillator (Demodulator Monitor) enabled
When enabled and in external reference mode, the instrument’s OSC OUT connector
functions as a demodulator monitor of the X channel demodulation function.
FSTART[.] [n] Oscillator frequency sweep start frequency
Sets the start frequency for a subsequent sweep of the internal oscillator frequency.
In fixed point mode, n is in millihertz.
In floating point mode n is in hertz.
FSTOP[.] [n] Oscillator frequency sweep stop frequency
Sets the stop frequency for a subsequent sweep of the internal oscillator frequency.
In fixed point mode, n is in millihertz.
In floating point mode n is in hertz.