SYNCOSC [n] Synchronous oscillator (demodulator monitor) control
This control operates only in external reference mode. The parameter n has the
following significance:
n Effect
0 Synchronous Oscillator (Demodulator Monitor) disabled
1 Synchronous Oscillator (Demodulator Monitor) enabled
When enabled and in external reference mode, the instrument’s OSC OUT connector
functions as a demodulator monitor of the X channel demodulation function.
TADC [n] Auxiliary ADC trigger mode control
The value of n sets the trigger mode of the auxiliary ADC inputs according to the
following table:
n Trigger mode
0 Asynchronous (5 ms intervals)
1 External (rear panel TRIG input)
2 Burst mode, fixed rate, triggered by command (ADC1 only)
3 Burst mode, fixed rate, triggered by command (ADC1 and ADC2)
4 Burst mode, variable rate, triggered by command (ADC1 only)
5 Burst mode, variable rate, triggered by command (ADC1 and ADC2)
6 Burst mode, fixed rate, External trigger (rear panel TRIG input) (ADC1 only)
7 Burst mode, fixed rate, External trigger (rear panel TRIG input) (ADC1 and
8 Burst mode, variable rate, External trigger (rear panel TRIG input) (ADC1
9 Burst mode, variable rate, External trigger (rear panel TRIG input) (ADC1
and ADC2)
In the burst modes, data is stored in the curve buffer. Use the LEN command to set
the number of points required. Note that it may be necessary to enter CBD 32 before
setting the length, if the curve buffer has previously been used for more than one data
type. The data is read out from the buffer using DC[.] 5 for ADC1 and DC[.] 6 for
ADC2. If the length is set to more than 16384 and a burst mode which stores both
ADC1 and ADC2 is specified then the curve length will automatically be reduced to
16384 points. Note also that setting the TADC parameter to any value other than 0 or
1 may affect the CBD parameter, as follows:
TADC parameter Effect on CBD parameter
0 none
1 none
2 automatically set to 32
3 automatically set to 96
4 automatically set to 32
5 automatically set to 96
6 automatically set to 32
7 automatically set to 96
8 automatically set to 32
9 automatically set to 96