LTS [n] Lights on/off control
The value of n controls the front panel LEDs and LCD backlights according to the
following table:
n Selection
0 All lights off
1 Normal operation
M Curve acquisition status monitor
Causes the lock-in amplifier to respond with four values that provide information
concerning data acquisition, as follows.
First value, Curve Acquisition Status: a number with five possible values, defined
by the following table:
First Value Significance
0 No curve activity in progress.
1 Acquisition via TD command in progress and running.
2 Acquisition via TDC command in progress and running.
5 Acquisition via TD command in progress but halted by HC command
6 Acquisition via TDC command in progress but halted by HC command
Second value, Number of Sweeps Acquired: This number is incremented each time
a TD is completed and each time a full cycle is completed on a TDC acquisition. It is
zeroed by the NC command and also whenever a CBD or LEN command is applied
without parameters.
Third value, Status Byte: The same as the response to the ST command. The
number returned is the decimal equivalent of the status byte and refers to the
previously applied command.
Fourth value, Number of Points Acquired: This number is incremented each time a
point is taken. It is zeroed by the NC command and whenever CBD or LEN is applied
without parameters.
MAG[.] Magnitude
In fixed point mode causes the lock-in amplifier to respond with the magnitude value
in the range 0 to 30000, full-scale being 10000.
In floating point mode causes the lock-in amplifier to respond with the magnitude
value in the range +3.000E0 to +0.001E-9 volts or +3.000E-6 to +0.001E-15 amps.
MP[.] Magnitude, phase
Equivalent to the compound command MAG[.];PHA[.]
MSK [n] Set/read service request mask byte
The value of n sets the SRQ mask byte in the range 0 to 255.