TADC parameter Effect on CBD parameter
0 none
1 none
2 automatically set to 32
3 automatically set to 96
4 automatically set to 32
5 automatically set to 96
6 automatically set to 32
7 automatically set to 96
8 automatically set to 32
9 automatically set to 96
The maximum sampling rate depends on the number of ADC inputs used and whether
the sampling is timed or simply runs as fast as possible. In the modes above described
as Fixed Rate, sampling runs at the maximum possible rate, nominally 20 kHz when
sampling both ADC1 and ADC2 or 40 kHz when sampling ADC1 only. In the
Variable Rate modes, the sampling speed is set by the BURSTRATE command.
BURSTRATE [n] Sets the burst mode sampling rate for ADC1 and ADC2
n sets the sample rate for the Variable Rate burst modes according to the following
When storing only to ADC1:
(i.e. TADC 2, TADC 4, TADC 6 and TADC 8)
Sample Rate = ————— Hz
((25 × n) + 157)
When storing to ADC1 and ADC 2:
(i.e. TADC 3, TADC 5, TADC 7 and TADC 9)
Sample Rate = ————— Hz
((25 × n) + 1031)
Note that these equations apply only to units manufactured after December 1995.
Earlier instruments used a 16.384 MHz instead of a 16.0 MHz crystal, so the above
equations should be modified accordingly by replacing the 16,000,000 figure with
For example when n = 20, the sample rate will be 24,353 Hz for ADC1 for an
instrument with a 16.0 MHz crystal, and 24,937 Hz for a unit with a 16.384 MHz