Current Input
Mode Low Noise or Wide Bandwidth
Full-scale Sensitivity
Low Noise 20 fA to 10 nA in a 1-2-5 sequence
Wide Bandwidth 20 fA to 1 µA in a 1-2-5 sequence
Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB (with no signal filters)
Frequency Response
Low Noise -3 dB at 500 Hz
Wide Bandwidth -3 dB at 50 kHz
Low Noise < 2.5 kΩ at 100 Hz
Wide Bandwidth < 250 Ω at 1 kHz
Low Noise 13 fA/√Hz at 500 Hz
Wide Bandwidth 130 fA/√Hz at 1 kHz
Gain Accuracy (midband)
Low Noise ≤ 0.6 % typ
Wide Bandwidth ≤ 0.6 % typ
Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz
Grounding BNC shields can be grounded or floated via
1 kΩ to ground
Reference Channel
TTL Input (rear panel)
Frequency Range 1 mHz to 120 kHz
Analog Input (front panel)
Impedance 1 MΩ // 30 pF
Sinusoidal Input
Level 1.0 V rms**
Frequency Range 1 Hz to 120 kHz
Squarewave Input
Level 100 mV rms**
Frequency Range 300 mHz to 120 kHz
**Note: Lower levels can be used with the
analog input at the expense of increased phase
Set Resolution 0.01º increments
Accuracy 0.5º typ
Noise at 100 ms TC, 12 dB/octave
Internal Reference < 0.0001º rms
External Reference < 0.01º rms at 1 kHz