3745 FRU List
FRU Code Type FRU Name Text
MSC 2DC MSC MOSS storage card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put
the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65
MSC2 2EC MSC2 MOSS storage card (specific for Model 17A). Go to “Disabling Proce-
dure 0130: How to Put the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for
Maintenance” on page 1-65.
PCC 7AC PCC Power control card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put
the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for Maintenance” on
page 1-65.
PNLC 079C Control Panel Go to “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put the MOSS Offline: Pre-
paring the MOSS for Maintenance” on page 1-65.
PS1 71C PS1 Power supply number 1. Go to “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
PS2 72C PS2 Power supply number 2. Go to “Exchange Precautions” on page 4-1.
PUC 87C PUC CCU card. Go to “3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on page 1-60 and
follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
SALC 75C SALC Scanner ALC. Refer to
Airline Line Control Scanner RPQ 7L1148
Supplement to Service Documentation
SCTL 3AC SCTL Storage control card. Go to “3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on
page 1-60 and follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
SMUXA/B 3DC SMUXA/B Single multiplex card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a
TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62.
STO4 76C STO4 Storage card. Go to “3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on page 1-60
and follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
STO8 77C STO8 Storage card. Go to “3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on page 1-60
and follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
TIC2 46C TIC2 Token-ring interface coupler type 2. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0140:
Preparing a TRSS for Maintenance” on page 1-66.
TRM 47C TRM Token-ring multiplexer card; Go to “Disabling Procedure 0140: Pre-
paring a TRSS for Maintenance” on page 1-66.
TERMC 85C TERMC Channel adapter IOC terminator card (specific for Model 17A). Go to
“3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on page 1-60 and follow 'CCU/IOC
bus' requirements.
TERMD 7CC TERMD DMA terminator card. Go to “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a
TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on page 1-62
TERMI 7DC TERMI IOC terminator card. Go to “3745 Diagnostic Requirement” on
page 1-60 and follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
TERMR 86C TERMR IOC terminator card (specific for Model 17A). Go to “3745 Diagnostic
Requirement” on page 1-60 and follow 'CCU/IOC bus' requirements.
1-54 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP