How to Run the Console Link Test for 3745 Models 130, 150, 160, and
This function is available for 3745 Models 130,
150, 160, and 170 only.
This function tests the customer's console ports
with wrap plugs which may be installed at the end
of the cable. They are attached to either the local
console, the remote console modem, or the RSF
link modem. The wrap plugs can also be installed
at the connectors for these cables in the 3745 (not
possible with the 3727 console cable).
This test can be run without stopping the cus-
tomers application.
Local/Remote or Alternate/RSF
Link Tests
1. Ensure that the customer is not using any of
the 3745 consoles and also confirm the avail-
ability of MOSS.
2. Set the power control to local:
a. Press Power Control until 3 is displayed
in the power control window.
b. Press Validate.
3. Set Service mode to Maintenance 1:
a. Press Service until the number 1 is dis-
played in the service window.
b. Press Validate.
RSF Remote Local
J1 J2 J3
Figure 3-2. Console Output
4. We advise you to start the wrap plugging from
the far end of the DCE interface cable. Refer
to Figure 3-3 on page 3-7 for the different
cable configurations.
5. Remove the DCE interface cable from the
console, modem, or console switch (the DCE
interface cable may be connected directly to
the DCE, or to an intermediate "adapter". In
the second case remove the the DCE inter-
face cable from the "adapter").
6. Connect the appropriate wrap plug to the end
of the cable.
Wrap plug to be used according to the DCE
interface cable and to the console:
DCE interface cable between the 3745
and the console/modem without an inter-
mediate "adapter" (A in Figure 3-3).
Use wrap plug PN 6398697.
DCE interface cable between the 3745
and the console/modem with an interme-
diate "adapter" (B in Figure 3-3).
Use the wrap plug PN 2667737.
DCE interface cable between the 3745
and the console switch (7427) (C in
Figure 3-3).
Use the wrap plug PN 2667737.
DCE interface cable between the console
with the (7427) and the console/modem
(D in Figure 3-3).
Use the wrap plug PN 6398697 for a
console 31XX or the wrap plug PN
2667737 for a 3727 console.
The cable connecting to the alternate console
must be tested on the Local output with the
test option 8.
Open the rear cover of the 3745 base frame.
Remove the appropriate cable (if installed)
from the output and connect the wrap plug PN
6398697. See Figure 3-2.
7. Set the function to the link test required: either
remote/alternate, RSF, or local:
a. Press Function until 6, 7 or 8 is displayed
in the function window.
6 (remote/alternate)
7 (RSF)
8 (Local).
b. Press Validate.
8. After a partial MOSS IML the following panel
codes will be displayed:
1B1: Start of test
1B2: Successful completion of test.
1B3: Start of test
1B4: Successful completion of test.
c. RSF
1B5: Start of test
1B6: Successful completion of test.
3-6 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP