
Appropriate service clearance and access are provided around the frames with external covers
Leave all external covers opened to allow further safety inspection steps.
2Safety Labels
Check that:
All the safety labels are at the places indicated by letters in “Safety Label Locations” on
page lvii.
Each label is of the model corresponding to the letter as shown in “3745/3746-900 Safety Label
Identifications” on page lx.
3 Safety Covers and Shields
Referring to the FRU location (Chapter 4), check that:
All the safety covers are present and secured with screws.
All the voltage terminal boards (TBs) are protected by a plastic shield screwed on top of the TB.
4Grounding (Earthing)
In this book, "ground" means that the equipment must be connected to the earth.
a Grounding on the 3745
Refer to YZ110 for grounding jumper/contact locations. .
Check that:
Electrical continuity is assured between the frame ground and the terminals indi-
cated on the ground distribution diagrams.
Electrical continuity is assured between the 3745, frame grounds, and to the premises
grounding system, through the 3745 power cord.
b Grounding on the 3746-900 and Controller Expansion to the Premises Grounding
Electrical continuity is assured between their frame ground and premises grounding
system through their power cords.
The 3746-900 is grounded to the 3745 via the power control cable (see Figure 0-1 on
page xx).
For the controller expansion, an additional ground wire A is also used (see Figure 0-2 on
page xxi, Figure 0-3 on page xxii, Figure 0-4 on page xxiii, or Figure 0-5 on page xxiv).
1 3745/3746-900 Power Control Cable
Check that the power ground cable is correctly connected in the 3745 D and in the
3746-900 C.
Safety xix