Service Processor MAPs
Go to Step 022.
If your are not already logged ON at service processor console, go to “Console Use for Maintenance”
on page 1-1 for log ON. Then return here.
On the MOSS-E View window, double-click on the desired 3745 icon.
Click on MOSS.
On the MOSS screen, enter ELD (Event Log Display) and press Enter on the service processor key-
On the next MOSS screen, enter 7 (alarm) and press Enter on the service processor keyboard.
In the list, check the presence of alarms type 11 (link lost) showing a problem on LAN.
Is there an alarm type 11?
Yes No
Perform the problem determination on the ring using the,
Token-Ring Network Problem Determi-
nation Guide
, SX27-3710.
Record the selection number of each alarm 11. Enter this selection number and press the Enter key
on the service processor keyboard.
On the next MOSS screen, record the panel code.
Repeat the two preceding steps for each alarm type 11. Then go to “3745 Control Panel Code” on
page 2-32 to interpret the panel codes and continue the procedure.
Chapter 2. Map for FRU Isolation 2-45