3745 Control Panel
Table 1-10. Panel Display Values
Indicator Display Description
Function 0 General IPL.
2 MOSS dump.
3 Request local console.
4 Force local console.
5 Panel test.
6 Remote/Alternate console link test.
7 RSF console link test.
8 Local console link test.
9 IML from diskette.
This function must not be used with service function mode
A Loop on MOSS diagnostics.
B Display stacked errors.
Code 000 to FFF A 3 hex character code which shows function progress
codes and error codes. A code which blinks indicates an
error condition has been detected. For more information
on the meaning of these codes, refer to the “3745 Control
Panel Codes” on page 1-15.
Service Mode 0 Normal: the functions from 0 to 9 are available.
1 Maintenance 1: the functions from 0 to B are available.
2 Maintenance 2: for functions 1, 2, MOSS diagnostics will
be bypassed.
3 Maintenance 3: used for installation. Allows function 9
A to D Used with the Display Stacked Error function.
Power Control 1 Host: the 3745 is powered ON or OFF from the host
systems. If ac power is lost then restored, an
Auto Restart
will be performed.
2 Network: the 3745 is powered ON by either a scheduled
power ON or Power On Reset on the control panel. If ac
power is lost then restored, an
Auto Restart
will be per-
formed. The 3745 is powered OFF by a command
received via NCP.
3 Local: the 3745 is powered ON from Power On Reset
and powered OFF from Power Off on the control panel.
Console in Use 1 The remote or alternate console is in use.
2 The RSF modem-to-console connection is in use.
3 The local console is in use.
All CAs Disabled Indicator ON: indicates all channel adapters are disabled.
Blank Indicator OFF: indicates that at least one channel adapter
is enabled.
MOSS Inoperative Indicator ON: the MOSS is not available for the CCU.
Blank Indicator OFF: the MOSS is powered ON and available.
MOSS Message Indicator ON: a message is displayed on the 3745 console.
Blank Indicator OFF: no messages are waiting to be displayed on
the 3745 console.
Chapter 1. START: How to Begin Troubleshooting 1-81