Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
3-38 Issue 7 May 1998
connected party number
■ For outgoing calls over PRI facilities — “connected number” — from the
ISDN CONNect message, if provided by the ISDN network; otherwise the
default trunk value (#####).
■ For incoming calls — locally connected extension (primary extension for
TEGs, PCOLs, bridging).
■ For Single-Step Conference request — the station that was Single-Step
Conferenced into the call.
This ECS-assigned call identifier is used to associate event reports to calls and
identify a call the adjunct wants to control. The call identifier is unique within the
The ECS-assigned identifier that uniquely identifies a party on a call. The ECS
provides the identifier and the adjunct should retain it for future operations. The
party identifier is unique within the call_id.
Contains the reason the report is being sent. The following cause values are valid
for this event:
■ Normal Answer (Answer Supervision from the Network, Internal Answer)
■ Timed Answer (Assumed Answer Based On Internal Timer) (CS3/17).
Timed Answer is administered on the Trunk Group form.
■ Voice Energy Answer (Voice Energy Detected By Classifier) (CS3/18)
■ For Single-Step Conference, the newly added party has a listen-only path
(no visibility) (CS3/08).
■ For Single-Step Conference, the newly added party has listen/talk path
(full visibility) (CS3/09).
Information Identifier (II) digits provide information about the originating line for the
call. II-Digits only apply to calls that arrive on PRI trunks at the ECS.