Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
3-40 Issue 7 May 1998
Cut-Through Event Report
The Cut-Through Event Report is sent when an ISDN PROGress message has
been received for a call using the ISDN-PRI facilities. The ECS maps the
PROGress message to a Cut-Through Event Report.
An ISDN-PRI network may send the ECS a PROGress message for several
reasons that are contained in the Progress Indicator (within the PROGress
message). The ECS forwards the PROGress indicator to the adjunct in the
Cut-Through Event Report.
The ECS may receive multiple PROGress messages for any given call; each
maps into a Cut-Through Event Report for the call.
This event applies to all monitored or controlled calls except switch-classified.
This event is only sent to the destination party as follows: When a monitored or
controlled call moves to an off-ECS destination and the PROGress message is
received from the ISDN-PRI facility network.
ISDN Progress Messages
Starting with R5: Since the German 1TR6 (National ISDN) Network does not
support ISDN-PRI PROGRESS messages, no Cut-Through Event Report will be
sent to an adjunct on ASAI.
Starting with R5: As the French VN4 network only uses the ISDN-PRI
PROGRESS messages for interworking, a PROGRESS Indicator 1 message may
be sent to DEFINITY ECS. Progress Indicator 1 describes the call as not being
end-to-end ISDN and that further call progress information is available in-band. It
is also possible for a PROGRESS message to be sent to DEFINITY ECS without
a Progress Indicator present.
Cut-Through Report Items
The following is a list of items provided with this report:
This ECS-assigned call identifier is used to associate event reports to calls and
identify a call the adjunct wants to control. The call identifier is unique within the