Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
Issue 7 May 1998
Answered Event Report
The Answered Event Report is only sent for the destination of a switch-classified
call, as follows:
■ When a switch-classified call is placed to an on-ECS station and the station
has answered the call (picked up handset or connected after zip tone)
■ When a switch-classified call is placed to an off-ECS destination and an
ISDN CONNect message is received from an ISDN-PRI facility
■ When a switch-classified call is placed to an off-ECS destination and the
call classifier detects an answer, an answering machine, or a Special
Information Tone (SIT) administered to answer. For specific SIT and AMD
values, refer to Table 4-2 on page 4-13, in Chapter 4, ‘‘ASAI and Call
Only one Answered Event Report is possible for a call.
Answered Event Report Items
The following is a list of items provided with this report:
called party number
■ For outgoing calls over PRI facilities, the Called Number as in the SETUP
■ For outgoing calls over non-PRI facilities, the called number is the default
trunk value (#####)
■ If the extension is on the local ECS, then the extension of the destination
called is passed
connected party number (answering party number)
■ For calls over PRI facilities — “connected number” — from the PRI
CONNect message, if provided by the ISDN network; otherwise the default
trunk value (#####)
■ For calls over non-PRI facilities — the default trunk value (#####)
■ For calls answered by an on-ECS extension, this is the answering
This ECS-assigned call identifier is used to associate event reports to calls and to
identify a call the adjunct wants to control. The call identifier is unique within an