ASAI and Feature Interactions
12-38 Issue 7 May 1998
login ID that does not have a logged-in agent follows the coverage path
administered for the login ID.
Logical direct-agent calls follow the format for user-classified calls given in
Chapter 4 — that is, the direct_agent_call flag and split_param parameters must
not be present. However, in order for the call to be placed as a logical direct_
agent call, the COR of the originator (physical or logical ID) and that of the
destination (login ID) extension must allow direct agent calling. Otherwise, the call
is placed as a personal call.
The calling number (orig_addr) of a logical direct-agent call may contain a logical
agent’s login ID or an agent’s physical station. If the calling number (orig_addr)
contains a logical agent’s login ID and the logical agent is logged in, the
direct-agent call is originated from the agent’s station. If the calling number
contains a logical agent’s login ID and the logical agent is not logged in, the
direct-agent call is denied with cause value CS3/15 — Agent not logged in. If the
calling number does not contain a station extension or a login ID, the request is
denied with cause value CS0/28 — Invalid number. The called number (dest_
addr) must contain a login ID for the call to be treated as a logical direct_agent
call, assuming the appropriate COR has been provided to the login ID, as
described above.
Supervisor-Assist Calls
The calling number and called number for supervisor-assist calls (Third Party
Make Calls with the supervisor_assist option) consist of the following:
■ The calling number (orig_addr) may contain a valid station extension or a
logical agent login ID. If the calling number contains a station extension,
there must be a logical agent currently logged in at that extension and the
logical agent must have a skill corresponding to the skill hunt group
extension in the split parameter. If the calling number contains a login ID,
that login ID must be currently logged in and the logical agent must have a
skill corresponding to the skill hunt group extension in the split parameter. If
the requested station extension does not have a logical agent logged in or
if the requested login ID is not logged in, the request is denied with cause
value CS3/15 — Agent not logged.
■ The called number (dest_addr) may contain any station or attendant
extension, including a logical agent’s physical station and a logical agent’s
login ID. If the called number contains a logical agent’s login ID and the
agent is not logged in, the request is denied with CS3/15 — Agent not
logged in. If the called number contains a logical agent’s login ID and the
agent is logged in, the login ID is converted to its associated station
Supervisor-assist calls placed to login ID destinations are not direct-agent calls;
that is, they are not tagged as direct-agent calls for CMS and they do not exhibit
direct-agent call station indications and queueing behavior.