ASAI Release History
C-4 Issue 7 March 1998
Reason Codes
ASAI allows adjuncts to enter a reason code when an agent’s work mode
changes to AUX work or when an agent logs out. In addition, the adjunct
can also query for an agent’s reason code status. This feature must be
optioned and requires that the AUX Work Reason Codes and the Agent
Logout Reason Codes be set to “forced” or “requested.”
ASAI Selective Listening
This feature allows an ASAI adjunct application to disconnect or reconnect
selected listening paths. An application could use this feature to prevent
one or more parties on a call from hearing the communication among other
parties on that call.
II-Digits provide information about the originating line: for example, these
digits will indicate if the call originates from a prison, a cellular system, coin,
special operator etc. II-Digits are passed to the DEFINITY ECS by the
network on ISDN-PRI trunks and are then passed to the adjunct over an
ASAI link. An ASAI application can use the information provided by II-Digits
to properly route or provide special treatment for the incoming call. This
feature can also be used to prevent fraud.
II-Digits will be populated in the Call Offered, Alerting and Connected event
reports. II-Digits will also be populated in Route Request.
Network-Provided Digits (CINFO)
Incoming calls from ISDN-PRI trunks are received by the DEFINITY ECS
along with the CINFO digits. These digits may represent digits collected
from the caller (customer-entered digits or ced), or they may represent
digits provided by the network from a database (customer
database-provided digits [cdpd]). When received from the network, these
digits are made available to an ASAI application through the Call Offered to
Domain event report or through a route request.
R2 MFC Calling Party Information
If calling party information is provided for calls originating over R2-MFC
incoming trunks, this information will be passed to ASAI. The information
will be available in all the reports that contain the calling party number
(CPN/BN), and will also appear in a Route Request.