Issue 7 May 1998 IN-19
U-Abort (User Abort), causes for ending the
association, 3-60
UDP, see Uniform Dial Plan
unduplicated system, 14-1
Uniform Dial Plan, 4-8, 4-33
Universal Call ID, xxxiv, 3-12, 3-18, 3-20, 3-24, 3-30, 3-39,
5-21, 7-4
acknowledgement parameters, 9-12
parameters, 4-40, 4-61
Universal Call ID acknowledgement, 4-4, 5-26, 5-35
Universal Call ID query, 9-4
upgrades, Expansion Interface Circuit Pack, 14-2
user scenarios, A-63
ASAI-Provided Dial-Ahead Digits, A-68
ASAI-Requested Digit Collection, A-69
Flexible Billing, A-73
II Digits, A-76
Phantom Calls, A-78
Single-Step Conference, A-81
VDN Return Destination, A-70
User to User Information, 7-6
user_entered_code parameter, 7-7
user-classified calls
denials, 4-23
destination, 4-23
EAS, 12-37
parameters, 4-19
Third Party Make Call, 4-19
user-entered information/ collected digits, parameter, 7-3
uui information, 4-5
uui_info parameter, 4-11, 4-21, 4-35, 4-65, 5-23, 5-27, 7-3,
Value Queries
Logical Agent and Skill Hunt Groups, A-45
logical agents, 12-42
Value Query
ACD Agent Login, 9-2
ACD Agent Status, 9-2
ACD Split Status, 9-2
acknowledgement parameters, 9-7
Call Classifier Status, 9-2
Call Information Status, 9-2
capability, 9-2
capability group, 1-2
considerations, 9-14
Date and Time, 9-2
ECS response, 9-7
Extension Type, 9-3
Integrated Directory Database, 9-3
parameters, 9-4
Party ID, 9-3
protocol errors, 9-14
Station Feature, 9-3
Station Status, 9-3
Trunk Group Status, 9-3
Value Query denials, 9-12
Value Query Response
capability, 9-15
parameters, 9-15
Value Query, information flow, 9-4
call coverage path, 12-16
coverage path interactions, A-56
return destination, 2-12
VDN domain, call offered, 3-21
VDN Domain, capacities, B-3
VDN Override, 12-56
VDN Return Destination
ASAI messaging scenarios, A-72
Flexible Billing, 10-5
VDN Return Destination scenarios, A-70, A-72
VDN scenarios, A-56
VDN, see vector directory number
vector announcements, 3-4, 12-4
vector command, Collect Digits, 2-8
vector command, collect digits, 7-6
vector directory number, 9-8
Vector Directory Number, see VDN
vector-controlled splits, 6-3
Vector-controlled splits and VDNs, 12-25
vectoring prompting software, 14-2
vectoring software, 14-2
vendor partners, see business partners
Voice (Synthesized) Message Retrieval, feature
interactions, 12-56
voice and data integration, 2-12
voice energy, 3-38
voice response unit, see VRU, 2-8
voice stations, 5-3
VRU, 2-9
port administration, 2-8
voice processing capabilities, 2-9
VRU-assisted Transaction using Selective Listening, A-23
work mode changes for logical agents, EAS, 12-41
work mode changes performance summary, 8-6
work mode changes, agent, 8-2
work mode status, 9-2
zip tone, 3-9, 12-33