xxvi Issue 7 May 1998
External Call to a VDN with a Forced
First Announcement that gets Routed to a
Second VDN A-58
Outgoing Call over Non-ISDN Trunk A-60
Outgoing Call over ISDN Trunk that Results in
an ISDN Progress Message A-61
■ 7. User Scenarios — User to User Information (UUI) A-63
Call Sequence 1: A-64
Call Sequence 2: A-65
Call Sequence 3: A-66
■ 8. User Scenarios — Connected IE for
Non-ISDN Trunks A-67
■ 9. User Scenarios — ASAI-Provided Dial-Ahead Digits A-68
■ 10. User Scenarios — ASAI-Requested Digit Collection A-69
■ 11. User Scenarios — VDN Return Destination A-70
■ 12. ASAI Messaging Scenarios — VDN Return
Destination A-72
■ 13. User Scenarios — Flexible Billing A-73
■ 14. User Scenarios - Information Identifier (II) Digits A-76
■ 15. User Scenarios - Phantom Calls A-78
Call Sequence 1: A-79
Call Sequence 2: A-80
■ 16. Single-Step Conference A-81
Call Sequence 1: A-81
Call Sequence 2: A-82
Call Sequence 3: A-83
B ASAI and Release 6 Requirements B-1
■ Capacity Requirements and Constraints B-1
C ASAI Release History C-1
■ Summary of Past Release Notes C-3
■ Release 5 Notes C-3
Global Call Classification C-3
Advice of Charge (AOC) C-3