Issue 7 May 1998 IN-3
Agent Reconfiguration scenario, A-13
agent status displays, 12-11
agent work modes
ACD, 12-30
EAS, 12-31
agent, assigning skills, 3-48
agents, 2-5
different ACD splits, 2-12
multiple splits, 12-10
queued calls, 2-12
Alarm Administration, adjunct, 14-7
alarm suspension, during maintenance, 11-3
Alarms, 11-4
resuming, 11-4
suspending, 11-4
alarms for adjuncts, administering, 14-7
alert_order parameter, 4-9, 4-20, 4-25, 4-31, 4-34
Alerting Event Report
call_id, 3-11
description, 3-9
generating, 3-9
II-digits, 3-12
items, 3-4, 3-10
reason for redirection, 3-12
split/vector announcements, 3-9
user to user information, 3-11
alerting event report, C-7
algorithm, pacing, 2-4
AMD, see answering machine detection
analog calls
maximum number of held calls, 12-3
switch-hook, 12-3
switch-hook flash, 12-3
analog sets
Auto-Answer option, 12-2
call appearances, 4-44
direct-agent calls, 12-4
Manual Answer option, 12-2
maximum number of calls, 12-3
Redirection feature, 12-2
Redirection on No Answer feature, 12-2
analog station, operation, 5-12
circuit pack, 14-1
extensions, 5-3
vector command, 12-11
announcements, 3-4, 12-11
announcements, feature interactions, 12-4
announcements, vector, 12-4
ans_mach parameter, 4-9
answer classification, switch-classified calls, 4-13
answer supervision, 4-8
Answer Supervision, feature interactions, 12-4
Answered Event Report
called party number, 3-13
cause, 3-14
connected party number item, 3-13
description, 3-13
for switch-classified calls, 3-13
generating, 3-13
items, 3-4, 3-13
answering machine detected, by call classifier, 4-14
answering machine detection, 2-4, 2-5
switch-classified call, 4-17
values, 3-13, 3-14
Answering Machine Detection, administering, 14-8
adjunct routing, 2-9
Automatic Agent Reconfiguration, 2-12
Call Prompting, 14-1
Data Screen Delivery and Call Prompting, 2-8
Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer, 2-7
Inbound Call Management, 2-5
Incoming Call Identification, 2-13
Logging for Call Back, 2-11
Message Desk, 2-14
Office Automation, 2-12
Phone Management and Directory Services, 2-13
Predictive Dialing, 14-1
Speech Processing Integration, 2-8
supported, 2-1, 2-2
Aristacom International Inc., as business partner, 14-9
administering, 14-7
changing, 14-7
ARS/AAR, feature interactions, 12-5
ASAI Accessed Integrated Directory database, C-6
ASAI applications
impact on ECS processor, 2-20
interaction with ECS features, 2-20
ASAI endpoint, detecting layer 2 drop, 11-5
ASAI link option, Event Minimization, 3-2
ASAI software, checking, 11-1
ASAI-BRI link, 14-1
ASAI-DEFINITY LAN Gateway link, 14-1
ASAI-Provided Dial-Ahead Digits scenario, A-68
ASAI-Provided Digits feature, 7-6
ASAI-requested digit collection, 2-12
ASAI-Requested Digit Collection feature, 7-6, 7-7
ASAI-Requested Digit Collection scenarios, A-69
Assist/Supervisor Assist, 12-11
definition, 1-3
relationship to capability groups, 1-4
associations in event reports, 3-54
attendant, 12-6
Attendant Auto-Manual Splitting, feature interactions, 12-7
attendant buttons
Call Appearance, 12-6
Cancel, 12-6
Hold, 12-6
Release, 12-6
Split, 12-7
Attendant Call Waiting, feature interactions, 12-8
attendant console extensions, 5-3