March 1998
MIB Descriptions
The MIB descriptions listed here provide clarification for the MIB objects when it
is not clear how the object definition in the applicable RFC is related to the unit.
Otherwise, the MIB object is supported as documented in the RFC. The 7112
SNMP DSU/CSU supports:
H MIB II (RFC 1213 and RFC 1573)
H DS1/E1 MIB (RFC 1406)
H Ethernet-like MIB (RFC 1643)
H RS-232-Like MIB (RFC 1659)
H Generic Interface Extension MIB (RFC 1229)
H Enterprise MIB
MIB II – RFC 1213 and RFC 1573
The unit supports the following MIB II object groups as defined in RFC 1213 and
RFC 1573:
H System Group Objects, Table C-1
H Interfaces Group Objects – Supported for the T1 network interface, User
Data (DTE) port, Terminal port, and the FDL as defined in RFC 1573, the
Evolution of the Interfaces Group.
— Interfaces Group Objects, Table C-2
— Extension to Interface Table (ifXTable), Table C-3
— Interface Stack Group Objects, Table C-4
H IP Group Objects, Table C-5
H ICMP (Internet Control Management Protocol) Group
H TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Group
H UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Group