March 1998
Deleting a Login
To delete a login record:
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Administer Logins
2. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
3. Select PgU
p or PgDn and press Return to page through login pages/records
until you find the one to be deleted.
4. Once the correct record is displayed, select Del
ete and press Enter.
5. To complete the delete action, select S
ave and press Enter.
When the deletion is complete, Command Complete appears at the bottom of
the screen. The number of login pages/records reflects one less record, and
the record following the deleted record appears.
Resetting the DSU/CSU’s COM Port or Factory Defaults
Misconfiguring the access unit could render the user interface inaccessible,
leaving it in a state where a session cannot be started via the COM port or a
Telnet session. If this occurs, access unit connectivity can be restored via a
directly connected terminal.
Two methods can be used to restore access to the user interface:
H Reset COM Port – Allows you to reset the configuration options related to
COM port usage. This also causes a device reset, where the access unit
performs a Device Self-Test. No security-related configuration options are
H Reload Factory Defaults – Allows you to reload the Default Factory
Configuration, resetting all of the configuration and control settings which
causes the current configuration to be destroyed and a device reset. This
method is also useful when the user’s password(s) have been forgotten.
" Procedure
To reset COM port settings:
1. At the async terminal that is directly connected to the access unit, configure
the terminal to operate at 9.6 kbps, using character length of 8 bits, with one
stop-bit, and no parity.
2. Reset the access unit, then immediately and repeatedly press Enter at a rate
of about 1 press per second until the System Paused screen appears.
3. Tab to the desired method, and enter yes (or y) for the selected prompt.