MIB Descriptions
7112-A2-GB20-10March 1998
Generic Interface Extension MIB – RFC 1229
The unit supports the Generic Interface Extension MIB (RFC 1229):
H Table C-16, Generic Interface Test Table Objects
The DSU/CSU only supports the Generic Interface Test Table in the Generic
Interface Extension MIB.
Generic Interface Test Table Objects
The Generic Interface Test Table Objects are used to access additional tests
(loopbacks and pattern tests) that are not provided in the interface group of
MIB II. Clarification for objects contained in this table as it applies to the unit is
provided below.
Table C-16. Generic Interface Test Table Objects (1 of 3)
Description Setting/Contents
A control variable used to
start and stop user-initiated
tests on the interface. The
following tests may be
H Monitor QRSS test
pattern on the network
T1 interface.
H Send QRSS/511 test
pattern on the User Data
H Send V.54/FT1 up/down
code to the remote unit
for the User Data port.
H Monitor QRSS/511 test
pattern on the User Data
H Data Channel and Data
Terminal Loopbacks on
the User Data port.
The following objects use identifiers
to control tests on the network T1
and User Data port interface:
H notest(0 0) – Stops the test in
progress on the network T1 or
User Data port interface.
H testMon QRSS (wellKnownTests
3) – Starts a Monitor QRSS test
on the interface.
Continued on next page.