Using the ASCII Terminal Interface (ATI)
March 1998
Screen Work Areas
There are two user work areas:
H Screen area – Provides the menu path, access level, menus, and input fields
above the dotted line.
The menu path appears as the first line on the screen. In this manual, the
menu path is presented as a menu selection sequence with the names of the
screens For example:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
Terminal Port
H Screen function key area – Provides functions available below the dotted
line based upon screen selection and access level.
Screen Format Types
Three types of screen formats are available on the ATI.
Use the screen format . . .
To . . .
Menu selection Display a list of available functions for user selection.
Input Add or change information on a screen.
Input or edit fields that have an Underline
in the field value
or selection. See
Screen Work Areas
Display Display configuration information and results from
performance and DSU/CSU-specific tests.
Display-only fields that have no underline in the field value.
What Affects Screen Displays
What appears on the screens depends on the:
H Current configuration – How your DSU/CSU is currently configured.
H Effective security access level – An access level that is typically set by the
system administrator for each interface and each user.
H Data selection criteria – What you entered in previous screens.