Configuration Option Tables
March 1998
Network Interface Options Menu
For Network Interface Options, refer to Table A-2. To access the Network
Interface Options screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
Table A-2. Network Interface Options (1 of 4)
Primary Clock Source
Possible Settings: Network, Internal, Port
Default Setting: Network
Determines the primary source for the master clock. The source will provide all the
timing within the DSU/CSU as well as the clocks for all external interfaces.
Network – Master clock source is derived from the T1 network interface.
Internal – Master clock source is the DSU/CSU internal clock.
Port – Master clock source is derived from the data port.
NOTE: If the selected primary clock source fails, the DSU/CSU automatically
switches to use its internal clock.
Line Framing Format
Possible Settings: ESF, D4
Default Setting: ESF
Specifies the framing format to be used on the network interface.
ESF – Selects the Extended Superframe format.
D4 – Selects the D4 framing format.
Line Coding Format
Possible Settings: B8ZS, AMI
Default Setting: B8ZS
Specifies the line coding format to be used on the network interface.
B8ZS – Selects the Bipolar 8 Zero Suppression coding format.
AMI – Selects the Alternate Mark Inversion coding format.