Configuration Option Tables
7112-A2-GB20-10March 1998
Table A-5. Ethernet Port Options (2 of 2)
Default Gateway Address
Possible Settings: –, Clear
Default Setting:
Specifies the IP address of the default gateway to be used for packets that do not have
a route. – – Enter an address. The range for the first byte is
000 to 255, with the exception of 127. The range for the remaining three bytes is 000 to
255. If the address is, all packets without a route are discarded.
Clear – Clears the Default Gateway Address and sets to all zeros.
Terminal Port Options
For Terminal Port Options, refer to Table A-6. To access the Terminal Port
Options screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
User Interface
Terminal Port
Table A-6. Terminal Port Options (1 of 3)
Data Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4
Default Setting: 9.6
Data rate in kbps on the Terminal port.
2.4 to 38.4 – Selects a Terminal port data rate from 2.4 to 38.4 kbps.
Character Length
Possible Settings: 7, 8
Default Setting: 8
Specifies the number of bits needed to represent one character, including the parity bit.
7 or 8 – Sets the bits per character.
Possible Settings: None, Even, Odd
Default Setting: None
Specifies Parity for the Terminal port.
None – Provides no parity.
Even – Parity is even.
Odd – Parity is odd.