Configuration Option Tables
7112-A2-GB20-10March 1998
The SNMP Menu includes the following:
H General SNMP Management Options, Table A-8
H SNMP NMS Security Options, Table A-9
H SNMP Traps Options, Table A-10
General SNMP Management Options
To access the General SNMP Management Options screen, follow this menu
selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
General SNMP Management
Table A-8. General SNMP Management Options (1 of 2)
SNMP Management
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies if the DSU/CSU can be managed by an SNMP NMS or send out SNMP traps.
Enable – Enables SNMP management.
Disable – DSU/CSU does not respond to SNMP messages or send out SNMP traps.
Community Name 1
Possible Settings: ASCII Text, Clear
Default Setting: public
Community Name of external SNMP Managers allowed access to the DSU/CSU’s MIB.
This community name must be supplied by an external SNMP manager attempting to
access a MIB object. Level of access is set in the next option, Name 1 Access.
ASCII Text – Enter a maximum of 255 ASCII printable characters.
Clear – Clears the Community Name 1 field.
Name 1 Access
Possible Settings: Read, Read/Write
Default Setting: Read
Set the access level for the Community Name 1 created in the previous option.
Read – Allows a read-only access (i.e., SNMP Get) to accessible MIB objects.
Read/Write – Allows both an SNMP Get and Set to MIB objects. Write access allowed
to all MIB objects specified as read-write in the MIB RFC.