March 1998
If entering yes to prompt . . . Then . . .
Reset COM Port usage H Port Type is set to Terminal
H Data Rate (kbps) is set to 9.6
H Character Length is set to 8
H Stop Bits is set to 1
H Parity is set to None
H External Device Commands is set to Disable
Reload Factory Defaults All factory-loaded configuration and control
settings contained in the Default Factory
Configuration configuration area are loaded.
If no (or n) is entered, or if no selection is made within 30 seconds, the
access unit returns to the condition or operation it was in when the system
reset was initiated, with the COM port rate returning to its configured rate.
The access unit resets itself, going through a Device Self-Test. Connectivity
is restored and the Main Menu screen appears.
ATI Access
Access to the ATI is available through either the Terminal port or a Telnet session.
Access to the ATI through the Terminal port can be limited. Refer to Table A-6,
Terminal Port Options, to:
H Enable Login Required.
H Assign a Port Access Level of 1, 2, or 3.
The ATI can be accessed remotely through a Telnet Session via either the
Ethernet port or the FDL. The DSU/CSU provides several methods for limiting
access to the ATI through a Telnet session.
H Refer to Table A-7, Telnet Session Options, to:
— Enable Login Required.
— Assign a Telnet Session Access Level of 1, 2, or 3.
— Disable Telnet access completely.
H To prevent the 10BaseT port and FDL from supporting a Telnet session:
— Set the Ethernet Port Use option to Disable. Refer to Table A-5, Ethernet
Port Options.
— Disable the FDL. Refer to Table A-2, Network Interface Options.
Preventing access to the ATI by setting the FDL or Ethernet Port Use options
to Disable also inhibits SNMP management over those interfaces.