Chapter 4-Additional Conferencing Information
Polycom, Inc. 4-61
3 Define the various profile General, Advanced, Gathering Settings and Video Quality
For more information on defining Profiles, see "Defining New Profiles” on page 2-18.
4 Click the Video Settings tab.
5 In the Telepresence Mode field, select one of the following options:
— OFF - When OFF is selected, normal conference video is sent by the RMX.
— AUTO (Default) - The ITP features are dynamic. When AUTO is selected and an
ITP endpoint is detected, ITP features are applied to the conference video for all
participants. If all ITP endpoints disconnect from the conference, normal
conference video is resumed for all remaining participants. ITP features are re-
applied for all participants should an ITP endpoint re-connect to the conference.
— ON - ITP features are always applied to the conference video for all participants
regardless of whether there are ITP endpoints connected or not.
6 In the Telepresence Layout Mode field, select the Telepresence Layout Mode to be used in
the conference. This field is used by VNOC operators and Polycom Multi Layout
Applications to retrieve Telepresence Layout Mode information from the RMX.