Appendix H-Setting the MCU for Integration Into Microsoft Environment
Polycom, Inc. H-7
For example, if company B wants to set up federation with company A and receive and send
SIP calls that will be handled by the Polycom SIP signaling domain in company A, you need
to add the FQDN of the company A Office Communications Server domain as well as the
SIP signaling domain of company A to the list of Internal SIP Server domains supported by
the company B Office Communications Server environment.
For more information, see the Microsoft documentation and the Visual Communications
Deployment Administration Guide.
Configuring the Office Communications Server for MCU Systems
To be able to work with the Office Communications Server, the MCU unit must be
configured as a Trusted Host in the OCS. This is done by defining the IP address of the
signaling host of each MCU unit as Trusted Host.
Meeting Rooms are usually not registered to the OCS, and Static Routes are used instead.
Setting Static Routes in the OCS enables SIP entities / UAs to connect to conferences
without explicit registration of conferences with the OCS.
Routing is performed by the OCS based on the comparison between the received URI and
the provisioned static route pattern. If a match is found, the request is forwarded to the next
hop according to the defined hop’s address.
This is the recommended working method. It alleviates the need to create a user account in
the OCS for each Meeting Room and Entry Queue. This also allows users to join ongoing
conferences hosted on the MCU without registering all these conferences with OCS.
Entry Queues can also be for Ad-hoc conferencing enabling Office Communicator clients to
dial to the Entry Queue and create a new ongoing conference using DTMF codes to enter the
target conference ID. In such a case, other OC users will have to use that ID to join the newly
created conference.
Setting the Trusted Host for MCU in the Office Communications Server
To set the MCU as trusted in OCS:
1 Open the OCS Management application.
2 Expand the Enterprise Pools list.