Chapter 21-RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) Administration and Utilities
Polycom, Inc. 21-21
— In Flexible Resource Capacity Mode, CMA/DMA receive information about how many
Video (CIF) and Audio resources are occupied per conference or MCU according the
request type sent by the CMA and DMA.
— In Fixed Resource Capacity™ Mode, DMA receives information about the number of
occupied resources per resource type (Audio Only, CIF, SD, HD 720p, HD 1080p)
and per conference or MCU according the request type sent by the DMA.
• Occupied resources are resources that are connected to ongoing conferences.
Disconnected endpoints in an ongoing conference are not counted as occupied
• An ongoing conference that does not include participants and the Send Content to Legacy
Endpoints option is disabled does not occupy resources. If the Send Content to Legacy
Endpoints option is enabled, the conference occupies one SD resource.
• The RMX is unaware of the resource usage split between the CMA and DMA.
Port Usage Threshold
The RMX can be set to alert the administrator to potential port capacity shortages. A
capacity usage threshold can be set as a percentage of the total number of licensed ports in
the system.
When the threshold is exceeded, a System Alert is generated.
The default port capacity usage threshold is 80%.
The administrator can monitor the MCU’s port capacity usage via the Port Gauges in the
Status Bar of the RMX Web Client.
Setting the Port Usage Threshold
To Set the Port Usage Threshold:
1 In the Setup menu, click Port Gauge to open the Port Gauge dialog box.
2 Enter the value for the percentage capacity usage threshold.
The value is applied to the Audio and video resources according to the Video/Voice
Port Configuration.
The high Port Usage threshold represents a percentage of the total number of video or
voice ports available. It is set to indicate when resource usage is approaching its
maximum, resulting in no free resources to run additional conferences. When port
usage reaches or exceeds the threshold, the red area of the gauge flashes. The default
port usage threshold is 80%.
3 Click OK.
Status Bar
Usage Threshold