Chapter 19-Gateway Calls
Polycom, Inc. 19-21
4 Click OK.
The new Gateway Profile is added to the list.
System Configuration
For details about adding and modifying system flags, see RealPresence Collaboration Server
(RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide, "Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags” on
page 22-18.
Displaying the Connection Information
You can hide the connection indications displayed on the participant’s screen during the
connection phase by changing the system configuration and manually adding and setting
the system flag
By default, this flag is set to NO and all connection indications are displayed.
Enabling PSTN dial-in using GK prefix
The feature is enabled when setting the flag USE_GK_PREFIX_FOR_PSTN_CALLS to Yes.
For more details, see "Enabling PSTN dial-in using GK prefix” on page 19-21.
Forward Prefix Enter the DMA prefix or the RMX prefix in the Gatekeeper for use in
automatic dial string generation. This prefix replaces the digits that
are truncated from the dial-in strings and to which the remaining dial
in digits are appended to create the destination number.
For example, if the DMA Prefix in the Gatekeeper is 26, enter this
prefix in this field.
Number of Digits to
Enter the number of rightmost digits of the dialed string to be
appended to the Destination Prefix (DMA/RMX prefix in the
gatekeeper) when automatically generating the forwarded dial string.
For example, if the number of digits to append is 4 and the dialing
string is 5705555, the system will append the digits 5555 to the DMA
prefix (26) and creates the destination number 265555.
Table 19-6 New Gateway Profile Properties (Continued)
Option Description