Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000
23-14 Polycom, Inc.
FAN Properties:
The RMX unit’s chassis contains 3 fans that regulate the unit’s temperature. If the
temperature increases, the fans speed will increase and vice-versa. A “Critical”
condition in the fans operation will result in a system shut down.
Card Part Number The Backplane’s part number.
Card Mac Address 1 The Backplane’s hardware address.
Card Mac Address 2 (If applicable) second Backplane Mac address.
Table 23-11 Backplane Properties- General Info (Continued)
Field Description
Table 23-12 FANS Properties - General Info
Field Description
General Settings
Min. Speed Level (rpm) The minimum speed level of the fans.
Max. Speed Level (rpm) The maximum speed level of the fans.
Normal Operating Level
The normal operating level defined for the fans.
Current Fan Level (rpm) The current operating level of the fans.
Fan number (1-3) Fan numbering.
Speed (rpm) Present speed of a fan (1-3).