Polycom, Inc. 8-1
Address Book
The Address Book stores information about the people and businesses you communicate
with. The Address Book stores, among many other fields, IP addresses, phone numbers and
network communication protocols used by the participant’s endpoint. By utilizing the
Address Book you can quickly and efficiently assign or designate participants to
conferences. Groups defined in the Address Book help facilitate the creation of conferences.
Participants can be added to the Address Book individually or in Groups.
The maximum of number of Address Book entries that can be defined on the RMX 1500/
2000/4000 is 4000.
When using the Polycom CMA Global Address Book, all entries are listed.
The Address Book can be organized into a multi-level hierarchical structure. It can be used
to mirror the organizational layout of the enterprises and it is especially suitable for large-
scale enterprises with a considerable number of conference participants and organizational
departments and divisions. Groups in the Address Book can contain sub-groups or sub-
trees, and individual address book participant entities.
The Address Book provides flexibility in arranging conference participants into groups in
multiple levels and the capabilities to add groups or participants, move or copy participants
to multiple groups within the address book, and use the address book to add groups and
participants to a conference or Conference Template.
Importing and exporting of Address Books enables organizations to seamlessly distribute
up-to-date Address Books to multiple RMX units. It is not possible to distribute Address
Books to external databases running on applications such as Polycom’s ReadiManager (SE200)
or Polycom CMA. External databases can run in conjunction with RMX units, but must be
managed from the external application. For example, new participants cannot be added to
the external database from the RMX Web Client. To enable the RMX to run with an external
database such as Polycom CMA, the appropriate system configuration flags must be set.
For more information, see "Modifying System Flags” on page 22-1.
Integration with Polycom CMA Global Address Book is supported. For more information, see
"Integrating the Polycom CMA™ Address Book with the RMX” on page 8-23. Integration with the
SE200 GAB (Global Address Book) is not supported.