Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Polycom, Inc. C-17
Calling Participant
Phone Number
The telephone number used for dial-in.
Called Participant
Number Type
The type of number called, as follows:
0 - Unknown, default
1 - International
2 - National
3 - Network specific
4 - Subscriber
6 - Abbreviated
Called Participant
Number Plan
The called participant number plan, as follows:
0 - Unknown
9 - Private
Called Participant
Phone Number
The telephone number used for dial-out.
Table C-10 Event fields for Event 4 - ISDN/PSTN CHANNEL DISCONNECTED
Field Description
Participant Name The participant name.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by the MCU.
Channel ID The channel identifier.
Disconnect Initiator Indicates who initiated the disconnection, as follows:
0 - MCU
1 - Participant
Any other number - Unknown
Disconnect Coding
The disconnection cause code standard.
For values and explanations, see the Q.931 Standard.
The disconnection cause location.
For values and explanations, see the Q.931 Standard.
The disconnection cause value.
For values and explanations, see the Q.931 Standard.
Table C-11 Event fields for Event 5 - ISDN/PSTN PARTICIPANT CONNECTED
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Table C-9 Event fields for Event 3 - ISDN/PSTN CHANNEL CONNECTED (Continued)
Field Description