
Chapter 16-IP Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-23
Ethernet Settings
In the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s, the automatically identified speed and
transmit/receive mode of each LAN port used by the system can be manually modified if
the specific switch requires it.
To modify the automatic LAN port configuration:
1 On the Collaboration Server menu, click Setup > Ethernet Settings.
The Ethernet Settings dialog box opens.
IP Address The ICE Server’s IP Address.
Status 1/2/3/4 A status is displayed for each media card installed in the
Collaboration Server:
Connection O.K.
MS – register fail
MS – subscribe fail
MS – service fail
Connection failed
User/password failed
Channel didn't receive any packets for 5 seconds
Channel exceeded allotted bandwidth
Unknown failure
In systems with multiple media cards, Status 1 refers to the
uppermost media card.
FW Detection The Firewall Detection status is displayed:
UDP enabled
TCP enabled
Proxy -TCP is possible only through proxy
Block – both UDP & TCP blocked
Table 16-16 IP Network Services Properties – ICE Servers (Continued)
Field Description