RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s Administrator’s Guide
22-4 Polycom, Inc.
2 Click the Active Alarms tab to view alarms related to the RealPresence Collaboration
Server, i.e. temperatures, CPU usage, memory usage, voltages and main power sensors.
The Active Alarms dialog box displays fields that relate to faults and errors detected on
the RealPresence Collaboration Server by sensors. The Active Alarms dialog box is
divided into two sections: Hardware Alarm List and Software Alarm List.
The Hardware Alarms list and software alarm list can each be saved to an Excel file
(*.xls) by clicking the Save hardware Alarm List and Save SW Alarm List buttons
respectively. The severity of the alarms is color coded: Critical (RED), Major (ORANGE)
and Normal (GREEN).
3 Click Close to return to the Hardware Monitor pane.
FAN Properties:
The RealPresence Collaboration Server chassis contains 14 fans that regulate the unit’s
temperature. If the temperature increases, the fans speed will increase and vice-versa. A
“Critical” condition in the fans operation will result in a system shut down.
Network Interface Cards (NIC)
NIC number (1-4) The number of the NIC.
NIC MAC Address The physical address of the NIC.
Table 22-3 MCU Properties - General Info (Continued)
Field Description