in Security History, you must select the FullHistory
To search inSecurity History
In the SecurityHistory window, in the Quick
Searchtext box,typethename oftheitemthat you
want to search.
Click Go.
Exporting or Importing Security History information
to a file. Youcan export and save the SecurityHistory
events and view them at your leisure.
For example, youcan analyze the securityevents on a
particular day. You can use the QuickSearch option
to obtain a list of all of the items that are related to a
particular security risk. You can then use the Export
option to save the list in the Security History log. You
can later import the log file and analyze the data.
Security History stores the information in a separate
information that is related to new events overwrites
export the log periodically, if you want to keep the
entire Security History information.
You can save your log file in one of the following file
1 Security History Log Files (.mcf)
The.mcffileformatistheSecurityHistoryLog Files
format and is proprietary to Symantec.
When you use this file type option, you can view
the file only in the SecurityHistory window.
1 Text Files (.txt)
Thedataissavedina comma-separatedtextformat.
When you use this file type option, you can open
and viewthe fileexternally withoutusing Security
Maintaining total protection
About monitoring protectionfeatures